Eternally Exclusively

I have a new single... This one will go up on spotify soon... Meanwhile here it is!

Anche leggi in italiano: lang


Anche leggi in italiano: lang

I'm back on instagram... I think... I have no aptitude for social media... I never really mastered the art of ommunication in person. So it's naturally worse through a camera. Nevertheless I'm getting too excited about how my songs sound right no to keep it to myself. Click on the image for a quick clip:)

Two new tracks…

Well not exactly… I bought a guitar and re-did the last song I uploaded ‘What Is It About You’.. re-named it ’10 Thousand Volts’ and also did a version of my protest song ‘Last Human’ They’re both on the player at the bottom of the screen!

New Single on the Way

Well sort of... It's an old song but played in a new way. The rest of the album is mostly new songs but this song got pulled from my last album due to some unsolvable issues - with this recording the song will see the light of day at last!